Investment Manager

Place your money away in an interest bearing account.

Select your level of risk.

There is market risk acssociated with any investment vehicle selected.

What type of investment vehicle would you like to place the fund in?

Invest in a moderate portfolio of Treasury Bills, Bonds, and Inflation Protected Securities. There are generally low return investments that will produce a moderate 1%-4% return annually depending on market conditions, but with minimal risk of loss. Generally recommended for volatile markets or for money that you want safe.

Invest in a calculated portfolio of Index Funds and Conservative Companies with long lifespans. There are generally moderate return investments that will produce a generous 4%-6% return annually depending on market conditions, but with mitigating factors against risk of loss. Generally recommended if you believe in the American economy over the long term.

Invest in a wide range of Stocks spanning across different sectors and industries with a small mix of Advanced Securities. There are generally riskier investments that can produce a substantial 8%-12% return annually depending on market conditions. Generally recommended if you believe the economy will grow and innovation will be on the rise.

Invest in an advanced portfolio of high risk-high reward investments in a mix of industries with a predominant focus on tech, biotech, and energy. These are analogous to hedge fund picks with high return possibilities that can produce a hefty 10%-15% return annually and Marie depending on market conditions. Not for the average investor and the risk of loss is substantially higher with these picks.

How much would you like to invest into the Safe investment vehicle?


Would you like to automatically place money that hits your account in this investment vehicle?

This will automatically take a percentage of money you designate from your account whenever there is a deposit transaction into this type of investment vehicle.

What percentage of all deposits placed into the account above would you like to place into this vehicle?

This will automatically take the below % from every transaction inserted in to your account. For example, $10% will take $5 from a $50 deposit from your account into the investment above.


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