A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions


Category: Acquisitions – Sell Side

Providing Secretive Info When Selling

Demonstrating information like tax returns and bank statements is sort of a prerequisite when selling a business. However, you want to hold back a lot of info when you are selling the business. You want to wait until due diligence period. Generally, we don’t send a lot of secretive info until there is an LOI […]

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Settling Up Taxes When Selling a Business

When selling a business, the buyer during due diligence may ask amongst other things, licenses, trademark verification, and tax returns on the business. Nothing construed herein is tax advice which you will want to consult a CPA for such, but this acquisition advice to help you close a deal. Let’s say it’s February and you […]

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Selling When you Have a Partner

There’s two ways to approach a business sale when you have a partner. Tell your partner right out of the gate to see if your partner wants out, or wait to tell your partner. In most ways, you need the consent of your partner to sell a business. Whether that’s minority or majority partner. You […]

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Valuation Today vs Tomorrow

Valuation today vs tomorrow are two different things. When you list a business, we are focusing on today. We are not focusing on what it can be. That is potential. Someone will rarely overpay for potential. So that is not where you want to price the business because then you are relying on someone overpaying, […]

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The Art of Negotiating the Buyer and Seller in a Deal

As a broker or intermediary in a transaction the goal is to really understand what gets a deal done. Sometimes that’s easier than others because it’s more about the deal and the numbers. Other times it’s much harder because it’s about personality and a persons inner desires and psyche. When selling a Business is more […]

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Selling a Business May Become a Reality Check

Selling is a reality check. When you sell a business a band-aid will usually get ripped off. It’s more often than not that a business is worth less than what the business owner thinks it is, unless they are sitting on something that they don’t realize there is a market for, which for most savvy […]

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Dealing with Finders and Finder’s Fee in an M&A Deal

Something that can get in the weeds and tricky is a finder. First, finder’s fee aren’t always the most kosher way to do things for every deal. A business transaction is different from a real estate deal. Sometimes they go together in a deal and you must check off boxes. A real estate deal has […]

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Listing Your Business Properly

Maximizing value: By positioning your business at the right price, you can maximize the financial return you receive for your company. This can be particularly important if you have invested a significant amount of time and resources into building your business. In addition, setting a fair price can help ensure that the sale process moves […]

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When Fit is a Sticking Point

Fit may be a sticking point to some sellers and buyers. You don’t want to blow a deal by focusing on fit early on. Many things can simply be worked out in an agreement. Remember, getting two parties to agree, is not about agreeing to everything in an email or initial conversations. Fit is very important, […]

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Clients Negotiating their Own Deals

When a client of ours is negotiating during a deal, sometimes they can help and sometimes they can hurt. The owner knows the most about their business, but there are a few things that happen: They are speaking to the buyer almost like they are speaking to a customer of their business. They are looking […]

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