A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions


Category: Business Consulting

Sales and Marketing Systems and Processes

When you’re running sales and marketing, which is basically the livelihood of any business, you want to have some systems down. Process should be as follows: Exposure –> Leads -> Warm Leads / Prospective Clients (Prospects) -> Clients -> Lifelong Clients (Repeat Customers, Upsells)   So the key to understand is how do you get […]

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Capture People’s Attention to Win Business

Do you own a business? You want to lure people in. The way to do that is traditional advertising in the general sense of running ads. When you do you are running an ad that has the following: Text, image, voice, music, or video. Ads that have all 5 of those are very well done […]

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Advertising and Budget Testing

There are many ways to run online ads to generate traffic. The premise is: Catchy and Compelling Ad Creative Proper Platform that Ad Creative Works On (Every Platform Has a Different Style) Ad Should Prompt Proper Call-To-Action (CTA) Test the Ad with A Proper Budget Make Sure Your Response to the CTA is Proper If […]

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Email Automations

Email automations can really help your business. You want to stay in touch with customers and this a great way to do it. You want to focus on two aspects. Short term campaigns and long term campaigns. Short term – Focus on hitting the lead hard during the first 30 days. An email every day […]

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Scaling a Business through 4 Layers

There are several ways to scale a business that is already running. Presence People Systems Products/Services These are the premises of business. There are a lot of ways to go about how to increase each of these 4 layers. Presence – This focuses on opening up more locations, running ads, or both. People – Hire […]

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How to Scale Your Business

Here are ways to scale your business to a multiple. #1 – Buy more leads in a very strategic way. Right now look at how much you are spending on leads per day, per month. This can easily be scaled upward. It’s just a matter of understanding what is working. You don’t want to take […]

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Starting a Business

When starting a business there are a few things to go through. Business Formation Business formation is the first step. LLC vs C-Corp vs S-Corp There are several ways to form a business and it depends on your goals. Liability, taxes, whether you have shareholders, etc. What state do you form in? In your state […]

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Creating Goals, Setting To Do Lists, and Scheduling Tasks

There is a lot of advice on productivity. The main piece of advice I can give on such after working with thousands of people, is that different strategies as it pertains to daily to-do schedules will work for different people. There is no one secret to creating wants, to-do’s, tasks, scheduling your calendar, etc. Some […]

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High Level Proposal

Download Proposal Here You want a high quality proposal to go out to prospects. The best way to get started is for us to schedule a brief phone call and we can provide immediate results. Then, we can choose to work together in a longer capacity through weekly/monthly calls, immersions and other protocols. We really […]

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How to Build an App

How to Build an App The first step to creating an app is creating the wireframe. This is constructing the flow and layout of the app and how each screen will look and the feel associated with the technology you are wishing to distribute. Determining how each screen interacts with each other is highly important […]

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