A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



211: Demand More Out of Yourself

Tip # 1 – Whenever you get an emotional charge, you’re hooked on the idea that it represents, not the person who’s causing you the charge. Tip # 2 – You didn’t control every aspect of your life. Show gratitude. Tip # 3 – The early bird gets the worm. Wake up early. Tip # […]

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210: Do Whatever It Takes

  You need to get to a point where you’re doing things because you want to do them. You’ll get to a point where you’ll do what’s moving through you because you’re in this quest to be the best you. That’s the idea – changing your shoulds, and turning them into musts for yourself. Something […]

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207: Stuart Scott Tribute

Your impact is not measured by what your bank account looks like or by the clothes you wear, but by your actions and your level of commitment in whatever it is you do. The impact you make and the lives you touch will be determined by the emotion you put into your work. It matters […]

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206: Believe in Your Heart

  There’s something calling you, but scratching at you every single day with the thought “I’m not good at this, I must get better at this! I want this so bad!” With your calling will come massive fears associated with it. This is different than your talent, and the things that you know you’re good […]

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205: Fixing Bad Habits

  You are essentially going to be playing catch up if you are a night owl. If I’m up early in the morning, I’m prepared before the day starts or the businesses are open. And you sleep until what? 11 or 12? What time are financial markets opened? What time does the mail get delivered? […]

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204: Transform Your Life

The early bird gets the worm. You need to get up early! You need to create a morning routine for yourself so that you enter into a peak state so you’re ready to go for the rest of the day. Is your office session, what your day is like, is that indicative of who you […]

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203: You’re a Firework

  What’s your preparation like? How much time do you put into your preparation is going to determine how big of a bang you make. And this is directly correlated with your life, it’s the exact same thing. One day you’re going to explode. You’re going to be granted this huge opportunity where you can […]

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202: New Year Resolutions

  95% of people who create resolutions, wish lists, don’t follow through on them past January 15th. That’s an alarming statistic! Those are people who actually write them down. 95% won’t even follow through after 15 days. Understand there’s a gap to where you want to be. So be very clear, crystal clear of who […]

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201: Happy New Year

  Your biggest strength in life will be the perception that you have over yourself. See, confidence is the greatest asset you can have and that is built based on experience, living and on what you bring to the table. Because you will never be a millionaire if you don’t value your time – unless […]

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200: Focus on the Solution (#261)

We all tend to focus on problems. It starts out as a little voice, similar to this little warning light that comes on and alerting us by telling us “Hey you should probably take care of this!” and we brush it off and procrastinate until this problem eventually consumes us and becomes overwhelming. Take your […]

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