A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#120: Coaching with Jaret Grossman

You might want to consider having a coach just to help understand what is going on with your life and see if there are any nudges to be made. It is not about instructing what to do. It’s about just identifying things from an outsider and helping from an independent notion of not being so […]

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#119 – Why Exams are Important

Other people would say ‘Oh, I don’t want to take this test, this test is so stupid!’ If you are a consumer, you want to know that you are in good hands. A doctor must be qualified to do what he or she does to help you. That makes you feel secure. Exams are there […]

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#118 – What Are We Here For?

Just like the earliest automobiles progressed into Ferraris, so too have humans progressed into a more advanced species. Science is here to explain exactly what is going on with us. What science says today will not be what it says hundreds of years from now. We are not supposed to understand all the answers in […]

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#117 – Take Your Life to the Next Level

People say to me, ‘Jaret, why do you give so much material for free? You are going to run out of material. You should get paid!’ I used to think this, but I realized this is a limiting belief. With every speech I do here, it’s like my brain thinks of four new speeches. There […]

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#116 – Perspective is Respective

Perspective is respective to the individual. It’s not about what environment you are in, what you are born in, or what you are introduced to. It’s what you see in that environment. It’s what you see with the world. It’s not about how many hours you have in a day, it’s what you do in […]

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#115 – The Biggest Why There Is

My why? is to help you see the world the way I see it. I am an agent in the things I’ve been given, and I’m here to give perspective while helping you become the person you were designed to be. Act as if someone were watching you every second of every day – nothing […]

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#114 – Time for Another Revolution

The Founding Fathers saw the other side of a society – a society with less freedom, less choices, and less free will. They understood that the opportunity to create the Constitution was worth everything to fight for. It was worth everything to build this country off of the principle of Capitalism, for they saw the […]

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#113 – How Bad do you Really Want It?

Most people want to be successful, but are hesitant because it requires effort. They aren’t willing to give up anything in their life. You won’t ever be successful unless you make a commitment to do certain things – give up certain things that are harmful for you. It’s not that hard to do when you […]

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#112 – Everything is Backwards

Many people think that what they are doing is good, but they are doing it because other people are doing it. You need to have a deep conversation with yourself – find out deep within your core “What is it that I’m supposed to be doing?” The bigger strides in development were made by people […]

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#111 – What is Really Impossible?

Two hundred years ago, the idea of human flight would have seemed impossible, and the Wright Brothers shattered that impossibility. Today, there are thousands of flights every day. We take for granted things that seemed impossible not too long ago. Landing on the moon? Impossible. New sustainable energy? Impossible. Time travel? Impossible. For what we […]

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