A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#110 – Be a Super Soldier

Within you, there are two people on opposite sides of the spectrum: the caveman self – one who acts out of carnal desire and urges – and the developed self – one in total control of his or her emotions. These two ends of the spectrum are at constant war within you. People are supposed […]

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#109 – Always Gain Perspective

This world is a vast ocean full of different perspectives. If you’re in a city, you’re going to have a different perspective on the types of species than if you were on a boat. There is a whole world out there with different perspectives you don’t know about, which will allow you to gain insight […]

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#108 – Make the Right Choices but Have Fun

]Being human means you are not going to know every answer – you’re imperfect. We were given free will, and regardless of what you think about life being predetermined, you have a choice of which decisions to make, and an intuition of what’s right and wrong. Always walk in congruence with what your heart tells […]

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#107 – Morality over Money

Many people worship money or looks. It’s great to have people to look up to, but only as a reference of who you want to become. Idolizing that which does not align with your values interferes with this ideal of who we are supposed to be. You must walk with this idea in your heart […]

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#106 – Finding the Balance

We can either be very soft or very aggressive in our approach to the world. The ideal ground is somewhere in the middle, with the soft feminine side working in harmony with the aggressive masculine side. In the world, you must incorporate both sides of the spectrum. You need both sides of the coin – […]

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#105 – How to Gain Muscle through a Step

If you want to change something in your life, just simply thinking about it will get you nowhere! Action precedes change, and in order to change, our thoughts need to actually be produced in the universe. We get caught up in our heads trying to make a perfect plan – a crystal staircase – but […]

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#104 – Embrace What Life Throws at You

There are going to be problems in your life that create many emotions within you. You must mask your emotions, and must be able to flip the switch at any given moment so that you don’t get consumed with negative emotion. With every situation you can focus on two things – either the problem, or […]

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#103 – Your Internal Treasure Map

We all have a purpose, and tied to it are fears and inner conflicts. We have to decide if we want to chase our purpose or not, and whether we’re going to break through those fears and inner conflicts in order to find the treasure map that is our life purpose. You must go deep […]

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#102 – Intrinsic Motivation

Many people think of motivation as a “Rah Rah!” speech, but this doesn’t create sustainable action within a person. You must have an intrinsic why? – an understanding of what you really want and who you truly are. You have a match inside of you that has a flame, and having a why? is fuel […]

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101-3 Keys to Life

There are three keys to life for fulfillment. The first is to always be a better you! Improvement and progress lead to happiness. There is always more on the table – expect more of yourself. The second is never settle for a situation. Respect yourself enough to get out of a situation that makes you […]

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