A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#100: 3 Resources to Life

There are three resources you need to own in order to maximize your time here. The first is time. Be very selective with your time – selective about where and how you use it. It’s a commodity you can never buy or get back. The second is your money. Be very selective on where and […]

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#99- Justification Will Be Your Demise

The biggest detriment to you will be justification – justifying certain circumstances that aren’t perfect, and making excuses when those circumstances are not ideal in terms of optimal or ideal set of conditions for you to do something. There is never going to be a perfect opportunity to do anything in life. You have to […]

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#98 – Stop Dwelling on the Past

I can’t be paying attention to the road in front of me if I’m looking at the rearview mirror behind me, right? It’s ok to reflect on certain moments that went wrong in your life, but only use it as a learning experience to what you can do today because you can only control today. […]

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#97 – Understanding the Root of the Problem

  You need to rip out these inner conflicts. And it begins by really exploring underneath what these are, really understanding the root to all of this, because we can treat symptoms all day long, but if the root is causing the symptom, treating the symptom is just going to make it go for a […]

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#96 – Tension with a Man and Woman In a Relationship

Men and women are not designed to get along perfectly. There is tension that exists to create sexual energy, which is essential for reproduction. We are not going to fully grasp one another in all areas, so conflict exists. Think of conflict being on a hundred yard line scale, 0 is no stress at all […]

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#95 – Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths

There are a lot of areas in your life that you neglected, and the only way to be the best you is if you take your priorities off your strengths and put them towards your weaknesses. You need to create balance in your life. A lot of times we get motivation, and we just ignore […]

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#94 – Always Learn to Reframe Everything

When you get angry, frustrated, sad, or upset, how do you reframe that? How do you understand what is there for this emotion – this fire that is building up inside you? Do you say, “Wow, am I going to use this in a positive light? Am I going to react in a different way […]

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#93 – Set a Navigational Destination

Most of the time, most people in life have no idea where they are going. If you don’t have a destination of where you are going, how can you possible take the correct path to get there? Of course you won’t, your navigational system will be completely scattered in different directions. So that is why […]

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#92 – A Cool-to-Have or a Must-Have

It’s all about expectations. The second you change your ‘shoulds’ and you turn them into ‘musts’, that is when life changes for you in an instant. It is with that attitude that things are going to start working for you – that things are going to start changing in your life, because action precedes change. […]

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#91 – How to Present Yourself and Look Better

There are not many ways in which you can change your physical appearance, but there are a few. That’s your hair style, your presentation, the way you dress yourself, the more sharp you look – more of a presentation of worthiness that you send off about yourself. There is also your body – how physically […]

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