A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#90 – How to Lose Weight

Everything that we do in life is to seek pleasure and avoid pain. For instance, when somebody gets the motivation that they want to lose weight, they have reached the threshold where they are fed up with the current state they’re in and now want to make a change. Usually what happens is they say […]

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#89 – Enter a Peak State the Whole Day

You have a peak state at your fingertips. If you were getting hunted in the wild, that adrenaline would start pumping immediately and then you would take off – you’d run. When you have an adrenaline rush, you feel super awake, right? You can create that state for you at any moment, but that’s a […]

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#88 – You Must Wake up Early

The early bird gets the worm. See, you might not think it matters to sleep a few extra minutes in bed, you may not think it matters that you just doze back off – that you don’t get up – but every moment is critical. Life is a game of possessions, just like in basketball […]

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#87 – Give It Your All

Your fear is not in the fear of failure. The fear, when you break it down to the root, is not giving it your all and not maximizing your capabilities while knowing you are capable of more – knowing that you have yet to reach your true potential. Every single day, you need to make […]

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#86 – How to Increase Sales

You may have the greatest product in the world, but unless you can phrase it in the appropriate way to the end user, then it’s not going to be effective in terms of being able to deliver it. You have to place yourself in the place of the customer’s shoes – of what they want. […]

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#85 – Success vs. Fulfillment

A lot of people get this confused. On one hand they want to achieve success and they think that is going to make them happy, so they delay off to the future. You need to understand that it’s achieving massive success in this world – achieving a lot of things while feeling fulfilled in the […]

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#83 – The Perception of Yourself

Your biggest strength in life will be the perception that you have on yourself. Confidence is the greatest asset you could ever have, and that is built based on experience, based on living, based on what you bring to the table. So my invitation to you is to raise your standard of who you are. […]

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#82 – Wake Up With a Purpose

You need to wake up with a purpose. As soon as most people get up, they either hit the snooze button or go back to sleep. I get up every single morning because I’m driven by something. If you are not driven by something yet, do something you love right after you wake up. I […]

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#81 – Hyper-Focus Your Attention

You have nothing but pure greatness inside of you. You just need to unleash it. When you are moving in a million different directions in life and changing paces and speeds, you are not going to reach your full potential. However, if you stay focused in a particular discipline, you will be great. The key […]

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