A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#80 – Try to Do More than You Did Yesterday

You better not even step foot in the gym unless you went there with one purpose: to get at least one more rep than you got yesterday. If you do not do that, you are wasting your time. You may as well not go in the gym because you will just be spinning your wheels […]

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#79 – Have Faith in the External

So a lot of times we don’t have faith in other people. We don’t have faith in the external world – situations and circumstances that are out of our control. When that happens, we sort of lose it. You can’t control everything and all external situations. You’re not going to be able to control everything […]

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#78 – Everyone is Motivated

Let me put something out there. Everyone is motivated – everybody. If you aren’t motivated, you die. You wouldn’t eat. You wouldn’t drink. You wouldn’t sleep. We are motivated by urges that come into us. But a lot of the time, these urges, in terms of our career, get stifled and suppressed based on fears […]

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#77 – How to Get Better Everyday

You’re here because you want growth. You want to develop yourself as a human being. Personal development and self-help is all about consistency through small actions. Greatness is obtained this way, and only this way. Every single day there are things you must do, and only you know what those things are. Those things are […]

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#76 – How To Prioritize

People always struggle with this idea of what’s going to make them feel fulfilled, what’s going to make them feel happy. And so a lot of times you get motivation, right? You get an urge to do something. And when we get that urge or we get that motivation, then we amplify our life, right? […]

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#75 – Now Is Not Too Late

You have today. You cannot change what happened yesterday, but you have today. What are you going to do with it? We don’t know the future. Hindsight is 20-20 in your life, but try to immerse yourself in your vision for your future. If you can associate enough pain with the thought of looking back […]

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#74 – Life Is A Marathon

Everyone can sprint for a little amount of time. We can all sprint for ten yards, we can all sprint for 20 yards, right? But who is sprinting a hundred? Who is sprinting two hundred or 400? A mile? The short distances are easier to manage. But the longer distances allow for fatigue and doubt […]

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#73 – Why You Sometimes Need a Coach or Mentor

Most people don’t understand why a coach or mentor can sometimes benefit them. If you were to be naked in a room, like go to your bathroom and completely strip yourself to nothing, you’re going to feel comfortable by yourself. But when someone is standing right next to you, looking at you, you’re going to […]

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#72 – Life Coaching to Change Your Life

You want to do great things in this world, you want to leave your mark, create a lasting legacy, be known, be famous, and make a lot of money. You want to do a lot of things but it’s all up in your mind. You talk about it a lot. You talk a big game […]

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#71 – Let Me Unleash Your Greatness

Part of me does what I do because I have a fire burning in my belly that’s sometimes deep within my core, and it just brews and it comes up. And it gives me excitement – it gives me energy – this passion that keeps on feeding itself. Like throwing logs at a fire, it […]

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