A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#70 – Shifting Your Inner Belief

Your brain is like a circuit switch. Do you remember in the movie Unknown, with Liam Neeson? There’s a scene with Neeson where he’s fighting this dude and he’s getting his tail kicked for five minutes. And then all of a sudden, he regains his memory and he finally realizes that he’s an assassin. And […]

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#69 – Just When You’re Giving Up

If you want to coast through life, your body can handle that. But if you want to win, if you want to create a life for yourself, there’s a certain threshold that you must cross in order to grow – in order to induce adaptation on a cellular level. Working out is very relatable to […]

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#68 – Be Self Motivated

So you’re waiting for that road map to tell you how to succeed in life, how to make more money, how to get a better body. If only I knew what the exact steps are! Listen, no one knows what the exact steps are. Even when you hear them from mentors and other people, the […]

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#67 – How to Be a Better Family Member

Blood is thicker than water. Friends come and go in this world – it is the harsh truth. I’m sure that you can look back at your life, and you have friends that you were really close with at some point of your life. You would consider them your best friend, and then you just […]

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#66 – How to Make Lasting Change

If it’s a must-have for you, then it’s a 24-hour thought process, and that means that becomes a habit for you. We are byproducts of our habits, our rituals, our routines. That’s what we do on a daily basis. Think about the things that are most important in your life. What makes them important? Explore […]

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#65 – How to Be Successful

Grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence, but it’s green where it’s watered consistently. Whatever side of the fence you are on, it requires work, effort, and maintenance. That grass isn’t staying green on its own. Now it’s more about the mind than the body. It’s the world of mind that […]

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#64 – How to Increase Morality

There is one thing in life that you must never lose sight of, and that is your moral compass. This must always be pointing in the right direction. Always. See, marketing will get you into the door, but substance is what’s going to keep you there. You must work on your integrity and character first, […]

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#63 – Being a Really Good Person

A lot of the time, the parents I work with go like this, “These damn ungrateful kids! They don’t appreciate anything! You bend over backwards for them, and they don’t even say thank you.” Parenting is like an unthankful job, because, look, kids don’t understand what goes into it. And how can you blame them? […]

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#62 – How to Be An Innovator

Any successful person will tell you that a large reason that they’ve got where they were was because they went against society and the rules. They didn’t get to where they were by doing what everybody else was doing. See, they are not followers. They are leaders. You will never be a true maverick in […]

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#61 – Ask and You Shall Receive

When you expect a higher standard from yourself, you become a winner. It doesn’t happen overnight, quite as I mentioned this. But if you accept losing, you will lose, consistently. And the more you settle, even if you win, the worse off you’ll be in the long run. It’s what we expect out of ourselves […]

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