A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#60 – Coming Up With A Good Business Idea

Dreams are useless without action. It’s 1% the idea and 99% of it is that sweat, that effort, that sweat equity. There is nothing special about the idea – it’s the execution of it, going out there, and doing it every day. The first step in getting started is making a decision, and then it’s […]

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#59 – The Kobe Bryant Work Ethic

One of Kobe’s trainers got called up at before sunrise by Kobe himself to go and work out with him. He gets to the gym at 4:30 in the morning to see Kobe drenched in sweat, like he jumped in a pool. Kobe wanted the trainer to work with him on conditioning, and then come […]

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#58 – Get Competitive

When you reach the top, it’s tough to have repeat performance. You must compete with yourself on a daily basis. Especially if you are #1. You still have to be hungry. Dynasties are so rare because most people get complacent when they’ve won one. Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Michael Phelps, Dan Gable and […]

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#57 – Set High Goals to Be Great

You must expect more out of yourself to be great. There will be times where you will face discomfort and you can throw in the towel, but if you demand a higher expectation of yourself, you will not cave in because the pain of not reaching your goal will outweigh the pain of gutting it […]

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#56 – Mental Fitness

Dan Gable was probably the best athlete/coach combo of all time. He went undefeated in high school. In college, he lost his very last match which fueled him to become the best international wrestler ever. He didn’t let up a point in the Olympics – a feat that will probably never be matched. Gable attributes […]

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#55 – Play The Game

We live in a society that has rules. Often times we get caught in a trap in which we put stuff out there that makes sense to us, but aren’t bought into by the mainstream. Eminem’s favorite songs, for instance, are different than that of the public’s because the meaning is drastically different to him […]

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#54 – Why Do You Want to Succeed?

The why you want it is going to be significantly more important than what you want because understanding that will allow you to submerge yourself in the process of achieving your goals, and overcoming the obstacles that stand in your way. Understanding the why will directly correlate into how far you are willing to struggle […]

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#53 – Motivating Words of Wisdom

A lot of the time, you try to change who you are to make other people happy. And the reality is that we should never change our values or our standards to make someone happy unless that someone is you. So you should only change if it’s going to make you feel fulfilled. Where’d that […]

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#52 – Making the Best of Your Situation

This world is about resourcefulness, not resources. Lloyd Blankfein, the current CEO of Goldman Sachs, was a postal worker’s son who grew up in Brooklyn’s Linden Houses. He worked as a concession vendor at Yankee Stadium carrying trays. He vigorously worked at school, which earned him a full ride to Harvard. He then took academics one […]

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#51 – How to Maximize Your 24 Hours Time

Most of us say, “If only the day was longer.” Well I’m here to tell you, what if it was shorter – what if it was only 20 hours? You’re given 24 hours each day. That’s plenty of time. MAXIMIZE IT. Do you know how much can be accomplished in a day? Just imagine if […]

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