A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#40 – Does Self Help Work

Of course self-help works, because you can’t possibly know everything from birth. Everything you know now is because of material that you’ve heard, seen, and processed. Extrinsic motivation is not useless because everything is extrinsic at one point before it gets to an intrinsic level – there’s a process of learning. The more positive thinking […]

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#39 – Derek Jeter’s Legacy

In an interview a reporter asked Derek Jeter, “what made you so great?” and he responded “I wouldn’t call myself great. I just prided myself in consistency.” He didn’t do that well in the minors, though he drastically improved there. Then when he got to the big leagues he broke out in the playoffs of […]

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#38 – How to Get Fast Results

Do you want to prove a point? Or do you want to get the end result you want? In order to do that, you must drop your pride and work towards the solution you want, which is drastically different than proving yourself right and the other person wrong. That’s really what it comes down to […]

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#37 – Life Lessons to Get You Through

Rise and grind! A connection happens within you when you wake up before everyone else. You feel like a lion. Bring your very best. Let your actions speak louder than your words. I have a simple question for you, would you follow you? Are you hearing me? Would you follow yourself? If you were going […]

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#36 – Achieving Mastery

Beethoven, one of the greatest musical composers of all time, was deaf – yet he still continued to compose music. How was this possible? It’s because he studied the craft so intensely that the musical notes were already imprinted in his brain without ever having to hear them play. This is a whole new level […]

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#35 – Confidence in Yourself

Confidence in yourself will be one of your most important assets. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Did Arnold Schwarzenegger walk onto the bodybuilding stage saying to himself “maybe I’ll win?” No, he did it with the utmost confidence which reflected in his ability to prepare for that moment as well as exuding […]

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#34 – Lock and Key (Relationship Advice)

According to Greek mythology, we are all out there searching for our other half after the human race was split into two – male and female. I believe this to be true, despite my disparaging beliefs in terms of the process of how that occurred. We will not feel complete unless we find true love, […]

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#33 – Elevate the Conversation (Relationship Advice)

The only way you can really know someone is by talking to them on a very deep, emotional level where you connect based on inner desires, beliefs, fears, values, and inner conflicts. Most people get divorced because they really don’t know their own partner. They’ve managed to survive the beginning stages because they made it […]

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#32 – You Are The Trigger

The external world will stimulate you or depress you if that’s where your focus is. However, your internal state is the true trigger of your emotions. You’ve learned to associate most events with a feeling, which is why you live there. Even still, it’s a choice to keep living in that pattern because it gave […]

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#31 – Finding the Balance with Stress & Anxiety

On one end of the spectrum is a life full of relaxation, yet complacency. If in that state too long, you will become depressed because of the lack of stimulation. On the other end of the spectrum, will be a life full of anxiety and way too much stress. If in that state too long, […]

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