A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#30 – Why You Should Work Out

I can’t begin to tell you how important working out is for your mental ability to perform and surpass “limitations.” The benefits are endless. We think that working out is physical. However, it is the mind that carries you to the gym itself, and also to perform the biomechanics that result in movement, specifically during […]

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#29 – Investment vs. Consumption

You have a choice where you can spend your dollar. It can go towards consumption, buying things, or it can go towards investment, which is more of a focus on the future. So really it comes down to your value system about what you find important to you. Assets, or liabilities? The present moment, or […]

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#28 – Cut out the Anchors

There are certain things in your life that are not contributing to who you want to be that you must give up and sacrifice in order to get to where you want to be. Your value system needs to change if you want to be this great person who wants to be looked up to. […]

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#27 – What is Muscle Prodigy?

People often picture guys with muscles as being stupid. It’s the first kind of association that the general public has based on movies where the body builder acts really dumb. But let me tell you, you only have one place to live. So who is stupid? The person taking care of that home, or the […]

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#26 – Life after Death

If there was a next life, would you be afraid of death? Once you’re not afraid of death, then you can really enjoy the moment. You can understand that you are given a gift. Every single day is a gift. You have nothing to be afraid of. But you do need to maximize your potential […]

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#25 – Change Yourself or Everything Else

Based on what we’ve learned to be bothered by, 90% of the stuff that people do or say can and will bother us. But if we live with this, how does that make for a happy life? How are we able to enjoy that? We can’t. So we need to change ourselves. You can’t control […]

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#24 – It’s a Choice

As human beings we have something that no other mammal has. We have the ability to refer back to our past, and we also have the ability to look into our future and anticipate what can happen. And neither of these things are reality. All we have is the moment in front of us. You […]

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#23 – Would You Hit That Button?

If you had a button that you can press right now, and this button would allow you to live out your dreams – all your dreams would be handed to you on a silver platter – would you hit that button? Think about it. Because when you hit that button you know deep down inside […]

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#22 – Immerse yourself in massive action

Stop overthinking about it. Stop thinking about the mistakes that you are going to, or will, make. Understand that you have a goal that you want to achieve. You can’t stress over mistakes, because they will be made regardless. Make the decision to accept this. Then make the decision to take the first step towards […]

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#21 – Sometimes Things Happen for a Reason

We get down sometimes in our lives when things don’t work out for us. We can’t wrap our head around it because we feel like it is completely undeserved, and we ask, “Why would this happen to me?” We don’t see the benefit of hardships in the present moment. We don’t see why it is […]

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