A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#20 – Become Visceral

Physiology is so important. We think we live up in our heads, and that all the thinking comes from our mind and not the rest of our body. The reality is that your head is a fraction of the size of your entire body, and there is an intelligence in your body that is profound. […]

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#19 – You are Just One Degree Off

Often times people reach out to me and they are ecstatic about one of my products or services. They did their research, they read the testimonials. But the only thing is, they just can’t afford it. The problem with not being able to ‘afford’ something is not money. It’s about priorities. Most of us have […]

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#18 – Taking vs. Giving

There are those who are takers, and those who are givers. Those who are takers usually operate from a mindset of scarcity, meaning that they think that the resources that are available to us do not replenish. So they will give the waitress a 10% tip instead of a 20% tip. And then there are […]

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#17 – Dealing with Conflicts in Relationships

When conflicts exist between two people in a relationship, we often take things the other person is saying too hard. We take it as a literal expression based on their tone, based on what they are saying. And we don’t realize that that person has their own internal perception of what is going on. It […]

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#16 – Give Me Heart – San Antonio Spurs Recap 2014 Run

You need to look within yourself. Are you someone who shies away from being pushed, or do you say “bring it on?” Do you say, “there’s more that I can give, there’s more that I can be?” That’s your heart – that’s your confidence and your ability to improve. That’s your mental toughness, your rock. […]

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#15 – The Art of War

It is better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. In your life, there will be plenty of opportunities. The question is, are you going to be prepared for the moment to take it? Or will you miss the opportunity that shows up right in […]

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#14 – Expansive Energy Field

If you choose to go through pain, then you’re going to attract people like a gravitational pull. It’s going to be automatic because you’re going to feel it. It’s not very much about what you say, but it’s more about the vibes that you’re giving off and the confidence you have in yourself – the […]

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#13 – Perfect Moments are a Farce

There will never be a perfect moment in your life to do the right thing. You will always come up with excuses. You will always say that the risk is too high. You will always say that now is not the time. For instance: People wait for the perfect opportunity to leave their job, to […]

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#12 – How to Lead by Example

When we want to control people, we often push people away. You get the negative result. You get the result that you didn’t intend. The more you want to control people the more they want to run in the other direction. If you are a parent, you should understand that children follow people that lead […]

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#11 – Your Chain with the Universe

So you put out words, you put out pacts about what you are going to do. You talk a lot. You talk a big game. A lot of times you don’t back it up. You don’t stay true to your word. Every time you make that pact, you’re making it with the universe. There’s a […]

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