A Boutique Firm Focusing on Consulting & Ventures
Business Exit Consulting
Hire Jarbly to Help You In Advance of an Exit
Looking to exit your business? We help prepare you business for an exit.
There are certain things you want to take care of prior to an exit. First, are you and your partners on the same page? Second, what is your succession plan? Do you want to stay in the same industry or are you looking to move on to a different industry?
We walk you through the important steps to handle prior to prepping for an acquisition.
Work with a Team that Will Prepare Materials and Set Up the Right Path
Many businesses have different protocols to follow before a sale. If there is physical space that is owned or leased. If there is a licensure requirement. If there are necessary steps you have to clean up. You also might need staffing. You might need to replace you and your management team if they are exiting the business. You might need help with boosting financials before the quarter or year ends. You might want to look at arranging Joint Ventures or Nationwide System Opportunities before a sale. You want to understand certain deal structures that will be important to understand ahead of time as opposed to scrambling when you have an offer and have to move quick.
Jarbly helps you with all of that going into the sale.