A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



199: Why You Need Premium Fuel

  Regular gas burns at a quicker rate inside the engine, so it burns more fast whereas premium is timed more appropriately so that it’s released over a longer period of time and it’s more sustained energy. So high end cars typically require premium gas to protect the engine whereas lower end cars can sort […]

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198: Stay Focused

  You need to make a decision of what you’re going to do with your time. See, you need to be ready before these things are going to happen for you. You need to be ready before you’re ready to blow up. Striving to be better, addicted to balance, to a loving relationship, to helping […]

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197: Jerry Rice Work Ethic

  He made a commitment to excellence. He made a commitment to be great. He dedicated his life to be great in that aspect, because when the fourth quarter came around, while the other player was huffing and puffing and was tired, that’s when Jerry Rice got started. That’s when he made an effort to […]

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196: Thank You and Happy Holidays

  You’re going to have ups, you’re going to have downs. You’re going to have successes and failures. I know you’re working hard, I know you’re putting in hours, I know you’re putting in energy and effort and you’re saying “When is it going to happen to me? When will I blow up? Why isn’t […]

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195: Happy Holidays

195: Happy Holidays You are ambitious, driven, and focused during this entire year. So essentially what you were doing is you were out there and gathering all the wood. You were chopping it up and now you brought it in and now you can experience the warmth. You don’t know what you’re actually doing if […]

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194: Start Today, Not on New Years

We keep delaying what change should happen right now. “You know what? I’ll do that on Monday. I’ll do that next month. At the start of the 1st year this is where a new clean slate is and this is where change is going to happen.” There’s no such thing as a clean slate. You […]

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193: Break through the Fear of Failure

    87% of people are kept out by the fear of failure. By little voices of doubt, little thoughts that come on that say “You’re not good enough, you can’t do this, that you don’t deserve this and shouldn’t put forth action.” Because it’s not going to work out for you. 87% of people […]

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192: Transfer Your Addictions

You’ve got things that you’re addicted to and you’ve got to own up to them. When we think of the word addiction, we have a negative connotation, right? We often think that it has to be negative, but there’s opposition in all things. There’s negative addictions and positive ones. And that’s what you need to […]

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191: Pregame Pump Up Speech

  The physicality is done, but now it’s time for the mentality to take everything that has happened to you in this life and propel you in this moment. Every single circumstance that worked against you in the past all led up to work for you now! Now you have to see it. The mentality […]

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190: Continually Strive for Improvement

So when you get angry, frustrated or sad or upset, how do you reframe that? How do you understand what it’s there for, this emotion and fire that’s building up inside of you and say “Whoa! I’m going to use this in a positive light. I’m going to react in a different way than how […]

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