A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#140: Use Time to Your Advantage

The most classic excuse is “I don’t have time for that!” You have a lot of time for a lot of things, but you don’t want to make time for certain things that require effort. What is important for you? Because you will make the time for it. You need to be effective with your […]

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#139 – Know Who You Are

You need to ask yourself this question: Are you yourself, or are you society’s puppet? Do you get dragged along in the world because other people influence you to go follow them? Or do you know yourself at such a deep level that you understand what you’re supposed to do, and you’re going to go […]

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#138 – Be Successful Before You Can Be Successful

You have to be successful from within first, before you can ever be successful in terms of the public eye. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. So you’re expecting a reaction but what’s the action? What’s the driving force that’s going to produce the results that you want? You need to raise the […]

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#137 – Spin Your Pain

  Your life will never change unless you assume 100% responsibility and accountability. You must be the one to make the decisions to get out of your situation and improve it – regardless of what your circumstance is. Anthony Robles was born with one leg, and turned his situation into a strength to become a […]

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#136: Moving Towards or Away from Your Goal

Most people don’t know what their goals are, and what they want – they only focus on what they don’t want. You must write down exactly the goals you want to achieve, and then take action. With every activity you do, you must ask yourself, “is this moving me closer to my goals, or is […]

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#135: What’s Your Why?

You want to change your body? Your finances? It’s easier to get pulled by something rather than pushing yourself to do it every day. Your why is finding something within that pulls you towards something – an idea or ideal of who you want to be. Stop starting to change because of an emotional feeling. […]

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#134: Be Very Careful of Idolizing

Do you have people that you look up to? Of course you do, but they should only be a representation of an idea of who you could be based on characteristics that are screaming out to you – characteristics that you’re drawn to. Strive for an idea that’s not human, because humans are flawed. Idolizing […]

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#133: Burning Out When Getting Initial Motivation

Imagine a Ferrari sitting in a garage all winter, and when you finally take it out, you go from 0 to 100. What’s going to happen? The engine is going to burn out! So you take it to the shop, and it takes a week for it to come back, much like you’re motivated one […]

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#132: Be Predictable to be Unstoppable

When you perform an activity for the first time, there’s often beginner’s luck. You just perform the activity with your body, and focus on what you need to accomplish. Then you start overthinking, and start to regress. You get to a point where you sort of start back in the beginning. You get back to […]

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#131: Change is Good

When you get successful, you have to remember one thing: make the money, but don’t let the money make you. You’re going to change throughout that process – the only way you got successful was because you changed. When you grow, there will be other people that are stagnant and don’t grow. You develop a […]

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