A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions



#10 – Mastering Sales

You must be passionate about whatever it is that you are selling. No matter your occupation, you are selling. A man has to sell his wife on his marriage proposal. A mother has to sell her child on the idea that brussel sprouts taste good. An employer must sell his or her employees on his […]

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#9 – Love Your Haters

You’re trying to shake up the world – trying to produce shockwaves, leave your mark, do something that hasn’t been done before – or you’re trying to do something that others have found unrealistic or have failed at doing. And of course you’re going to have haters. Most of these people who come out and […]

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#8 – Becoming Good at Something

The more you do something, the better you become at it. We think that the people we look up to were born with this God given ability – that they were just born with talent. We think that a comedian was born really funny and that a news anchor was born with a great speaking […]

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#7 – Chase Your Heart

There’s no purpose in doing something in life if you don’t really enjoy it. There’s pain that you have to go through, but the pain must go towards a reward that you really want. If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, then you’re wasting your time. You’re not doing anything of value. It’s a […]

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#6 – The Comfort Zone – 4 Types of People

The comfort zone – there’s really four types of people who I’ve run into. We have one group of people that think it’s this concrete wall that they cannot step outside of. There’s another set of people who envision it as this barbed wire fence surrounding their comfort zone, and they’re like, “I could climb […]

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#5 – 50/50 World

This world that we live in is a fifty-fifty world, yet people fail to see it – they do not want to be sold on the idea that you must give in order to receive. The giving has to take place first, before the receiving can occur. Look at the world around us. The sun […]

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#4 – Stay the Course

Life is a series of runs. There’s ups and downs, and it usually comes in streaks like with basketball or poker. It’s very important that you do not panic during those down periods. The ones who stay the course get in position every single time to win the game. Stay in your lane, regardless if […]

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#3 – Thoughts vs. Reality

A lot of people think that failure is a step backward. No, failure is a step forward – a step in the right direction. Every time you fail you learn something from it. That’s progress in every sense of the word. The thoughts that live in your head don’t mean anything unless you put them […]

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#2 – What is Success?

So we’ve all been brainwashed by the media by our peers, by our parents, by our mentors, by our teachers to achieve this thing called success. What is success? It’s just a word. And what are words? They’re meanings of association – ideas and thoughts that we learn to attach to a concept which is […]

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#1 – The Crystal Staircase

We are all afraid to take action because we are unsure of the perfect plan to proceed. When you take this approach, you will accomplish nothing. Life is like this crystal staircase and you have muddy boots with spikes on them. One step in that direction is going to scratch and muddy up the staircase, […]

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