A Boutique Firm Focusing on Consulting & Ventures





What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) legislation that is designed to sync data privacy, processing, and monitoring laws across the EU.

What Does GDPR Do?

GDPR was designed to protect the personal information of individuals that reside in the EU. It applies to EU-based organizations as well as organizations outside the EU that offer goods or services to or monitor the behavior of individuals in the Union. For more detailed information, visit EU Commission site.

What Exactly is Personal Data?

Personal data includes any information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a person. For instance, that could include their name, photo, email address, bank details, social media posts, medical information, or a computer IP address. Sensitive personal data is a subset of personal data (as defined under GDPR) such as gender or race.

What Does This Mean for EU Based Clients?

The regulation gives individuals in the EU the right to increased control over what their personal data is used for. Organizations will need to provide notice and obtain consent before collecting and processing data. They must also disclose the purpose of personal data usage and define data retention and deletion policies. Security measures must be taken by those organizations to protect personal data, while they must maintain records of data processing and access and notify authorities of any data breaches.

What Does This Mean for US Based Clients?

GDPR won’t mean much to the average person in the U.S., as the regulation only applies to individuals that reside in the EU.

GDPR Data Subject Withdrawal

JARBLY LLC is not a EU organization. JARBLY LLC is based out of FL, United States.

If you wish to withdraw your consent to process personal data which was previously granted, please unsubscribe from our newsletter and email:




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