A Boutique Firm Focusing on Consulting & Ventures


Month: September 2022

Checklist to Go Through After an Acquisition

After you buy a business, a proper M&A advisor or attorney will help you understand the next steps. Depending on the business you buy you will want to make sure you get things transferred. Here are some of the main things. Website usernames and passwords – The seller should create an excel sheet of all […]

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What We Do to Generate Maximal Offers

To explain our processes we have a network of high net worth individuals that we present offerings to. Most of our buyers are generally interested in businesses that cash flow $100k and greater, and are willing to purchase them at a 3x – 4x multiple of EBITDA or higher. We also have buyers that can […]

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The Best Businesses to Acquire

When acquiring a business, you want to look for a so called diamond in the rough. This is basically a high cash flow business that is generally absentee or easy handover, with minimal time spent, for a great deal and value. These are extremely rare to find, so let’s move down from there to understand […]

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Conducting Due Diligence on an Acquisition

After you have an offer accepted (best practices are through an Letter of Intent LOI), you will enter a due diligence period. The purpose of due diligence is to really check the numbers are matching what you anticipated, there is synergy, and the business can continue forward with proper systems that are there. The goal […]

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Submitting an LOI

When you are serious about a business, you will do your homework on the prospectus and any confidential materials you need to place an offer. You don’t want to spend a whole lot of time with the seller and seller’s representation if you don’t have to. In a M&A deal, this will make you appear […]

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Structuring a Deal to Protect Yourself

If you are looking at a business and the fundamentals are solid and you want to take advantage of the opportunity but you are hesitant because you are unsure about how this business will do once current management is gone, than you want to structure the deal in a creative way. Generally speaking, most deals […]

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Creating a High Quality Listing

In real estate and M&A, a high quality listing is very important to draw in leads. When drafting a listing, you want to make sure you articulate the key highlights to draw in folks interested in the deal. The two things to do are to cast as wide a net as possible while drawing interest […]

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Pitching an Idea to an Investor

If you have a great idea you want to have materials that indicate what the idea is, how it can be developed or manufactured, how it can go to market, and what the distribution plan is. A perfect pitch deck will encapsulate all of these things plus a very delineate and defined numerical plan for […]

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Why Choose Jarbly to Represent You in a Deal?

We really are excited for the opportunity to represent you in a deal. The most important thing I can convey is that we get up to the plate for our clients. While we understand your hesitations, most large business brokers have similar fees to us but we are not caught up on the numbers. We […]

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Things to Look for in an Acquisition

The quickest way to increase the profit margin of a business is to streamline expenses and take care of the low hanging fruit to bring in additional sales. So naturally, when looking to acquire a business you should find one that targets these opportunities in synergy with your strengths. Let’s break this down. 1) Streamlining […]

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