A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions


Category: Acquisitions – Buy Side

What is Triple Net in a Lease

When buying a business with real estate attached, you may want to know the terms. The most important terms are whether it’s a sale or lease. Assuming it’s a lease, you want to know price and length, but other terms are quite important to such as restrictions, covenants, easements, etc. that can affect the lease. […]

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Intentions Change During Buying a Business

If you are buying a business, you might entertain several ideas to work together. If it is a SMB, you are probably going to ask the owner to stay on for a period of time. Transition is usually baked in to a deal. Anywhere from 14 to 30 days or up to 6 months, depending […]

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Checklist When Buying a Business

When you are buying a business, you want to understand if you should move forward on a deal if not. Once you analyze the landscape and a business you like, you want to know what’s ahead. The reality is the first business you ask for info on might be the best business you should move […]

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Earnout and Financing

  When buying a business, there are two areas of methodology that will assist with your purchase. First things first. Don’t buy a business you cannot afford and don’t waste a seller or broker’s time with trying to steal a quality business for nothing because you heard some YouTube video say that you can buy […]

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Three Ways to Grow Your Business

There’s three ways to grow your business. Market your current products; OR Build something new and innovative; OR Acquire another business that has cash flow and absorb it. Marketing is difficult to ascertain if it will work. Building something new or innovative may work or it may not work. These two options will also cost […]

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Earn-In to Get Creative with a M&A Deal

We are committed to getting your deal done at JARBLY. Most buyers Do Not have cash to do a deal. That shouldn’t be a surprise. When selling your business, you should understand most people. On average, 6 out of 10 who express interest are tire kickers. Meaning it is a complete waste of time getting […]

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1031 Exchange to Defer Taxes in a Deal

When you sell a property, you pay capital gains tax on the sale. Generally, that can be 15% or 20% depending on your income tax bracket. The question many people ask is “Do I have to pay that?”. The quick answer is yes, unless you do a 1031 exchange. You want to consult a tax […]

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Tax Implications on a Business Sale

Sometimes to consider in a M&A deal are the taxes involved. We are not accountants, but we want to clear up some general misconceptions as it pertains to a sale. With the question of how much taxes do you have to pay if you sell your business, this is obviously a question that depends upon […]

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Co-Brokering a Deal to Get it Done

Sometimes you don’t want to give up commission in a deal, but it is far better to get a few slices of a whole pie than the whole portion of no cake at all. Many times we have to co-broke a deal to get a deal done. Brokers generally specialize in different things or have […]

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