A Boutique Firm Focusing on Ventures & Acquisitions


Category: Acquisitions – Sell Side

Split Up a Sale for Maximum Proceeds

Sometimes people have a business that has multiple parts.  You have to assess.  Are the sum of the parts greater than the whole?  Are the parts on their own worth more than they are combined together? Sometimes we can find a buyer who wants the whole enchilada, the whole package.  Other times we have buyers […]

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Accepting an Earnout in an Acquisition?

Should you be comfortable accepting an earnout in an acquisition? The short answer is… Yes, if you can have an adequate level of trust in the other person to make good on payments. If it’s a large corporation it goes without saying, it is a no-brainer. A large corporation is not going to default on […]

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Example of a P&L

When selling a business, it is very important to have something called a Profit and Loss statement prepared by your accountant. Most buyers of a business look for 3 year P & L’s. This should include your gross sales, your profit, your exact expenses, and net income. We know how to leverage your profit and […]

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Crafting a Proper Prospectus

When selling a business buyers ask key questions. If your materials don’t answer these right away, the buyer will probably look for a business that has these materials lined up. That’s why it’s important to have representation on a deal. Savvy buyers generally are seeing 10-30 deals a week. Your business should stand out and […]

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Strategy to Sell a Business

If you’re looking to sell a business you need a proper prospectus – materials that answer buyers’ questions about the business. If you have a business that is producing revenue and is producing profit, what you have built so far is nothing short of spectacular and we are excited for the opportunity to help you […]

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Negotiating a Sale

We are always working for our client and while we have tremendous experience maximizing our position, we never forget that we are the client’s liaison throughout this process. While we sometimes feel a business is overvalued or undervalued and we will guide our client, we always defer that ultimate decision to them. When an offer […]

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Listing your Business for Maximum Value

Asset Determination First, we start with what you’re looking to accomplish. If you are selling your business, we take a look at all of the assets and the basic financials. After we provide a valuation, we start our marketing approach and produce a proposal that will make your business jump off the page. Maximize Value […]

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Proper Materials to Generate a Sale

Listing Price: Depends on Revenue, Income, Transition, Automated Process, etc. Approximate # of Touchpoints with Potential Buyers: Depends on Price, Attractiveness of Offer, and Industry Potential Buyer: Depends on Industry When preparing a listing not only do we need a teaser and NDA, but we also need a properly prepared prospectus showcasing the appeal of […]

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Growing Your Startup

If you are raising money for your startup business it is important to showcase the key levers your business does efficiently that if a PE firm came in, you will quickly and swiftly be able to deploy the resources in those key levers to scale your business and provide a valuable return. Some will go […]

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